Zum achten Mal geht das Projekt 3xklingeln an den Start. Ein Wochenende lang sind KünstlerInnen aus z.B. Deutschland, Lettland, den USA, Taiwan zu Gast in Wohnungen, Ateliers Läden und einem Kloster in der Mainzer Neustadt und im Bleichenviertel. Interessierte sind eingeladen, jeweils dreimal zu klingeln, um Malerei, Zeichnungen, Installationen, Viedeokunst, Performance und sicher einige Überraschungen zu erleben. Der Eintritt ist frei. Infos: www.dreimalklingeln.de
In der Walpodenakademie zeigt Meng-Hsuan Wu, unsere Gastkünstlerin aus Taiwan, ihre Performance und Installation “ The Journey in the Realm of the Unspeakable” sowie eigene Videoarbeiten.
Why am I here? How do other people and I exist as human beings? My art is a means for me to observe other people’s perspectives. I am interested in exploring my past, present, and future, which are all really just abstractions of space of time. In my work, I question my physical and mental existence. I have found that I want to have a physical presence and experience at the point when my work communicates to the viewer.
To explore my curiosity about life and humans, I started my interests of experimenting time-specific, site-specific, people interactive live performance or video installation. I think it’s quite interesting to use time-based or place-based artistic method, such as video or performance to explore and study the sense of existence and absence which are a lot of time deeply related to the context of time and space. Through my work, I also try to combine these different artistic methods. Not only “I” as a person-medium to be part of work to experience my art happening in the real time and place, I also question the viewers’ physical and mental existence in different condition of time and place.